Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Video of Interest: Popular Fanfiction Tropes

I can confirm that this is 100% accurate. I hope she uploads part two soon!

ETA: Part two is live!


  1. First, that was one very smart and very talented young lady. Second, I think she hit all the major tropes in fan fiction. As she alluded to in the time travel trope, some of these have found their way into so called "canon" material.

    1. When she said "let's just Infinity War (*Endgame) it" in re: time travel, I lost it -- because yes.

      There are a few tropes she still hasn't done though -- at least based on MY reading of fanfic:

      +Sickfic (h/c, but popular enough to be its own category)
      +Kidfic (not high school or college, but little kids)
      +Everyone is Poly
      +Sex Pollen
      +What If Hero X Were a Villain?
      +Temporary Telepathy Reveals Things

      (Sorry. I read A LOT of fanfic. 'Tis a vice.)

  2. Nothing wrong with fanfic per say. I've always thought of it as a good training ground for writers. You can skip the whole world building thing and focus on telling the story.
