Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Timothy Lim & Mark Pellegrini Make Good Comics

I received the above omnibus in the mail the other day, so it seems like a good time to boost the work of Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini, who've been quietly kicking ass in the crowdfunded indie comics scene by delivering a consistently fun and reliable product.

Wall-Might: Gold Standard collects the first three issues of their political satire series, which is Trump-positive/left-critical without necessarily worshiping Trump and the right. What do I mean by that? Well, for one thing, the dialogue expertly captures Trump's less-than-eloquent manner of speaking. And the second issue's loving mockery of Brett Kavanaugh (known here as "Justice Supreme Kegstand") truly has to be seen to be appreciated.

These guys also have their fingers right on the pulse of internet culture. If it's been a meme in the past few years, it's been worked into their plot somehow. Epstein didn't kill himself? Yep, it's in here. The Mandalorian? The entire third issue is based on that one. Karl Manvers? That's a significant element of issue two. 

Lim's manga-inspired art style is clean and enjoyable. Meanwhile, Pellegrini, though conservative, generally avoids the sin of taking his own writing too seriously. Indeed, I'd say he only slips and becomes truly angry a few times in issue three. Otherwise, you can tell he's chuckling and just having a grand old time. The result? A book anyone can appreciate so long as they have a sense of humor in re: our current president.

The only downside of the Lim/Pellegrini oeuvre? Their crowdfunded campaigns are pretty short in duration, which makes their stuff hard to acquire unless you're following them religiously on social media. Alas, the Wall-Might campaign is already finished and fulfilled -- but fortunately, they have another one running right now for their Black Hops series, which is equally well done. Go check that out here -- and if you like what you see, give these fellas some support!

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