Wednesday, August 26, 2020

State of the Blogger, 8/26/20

To begin, allow me to apologize for the paucity of content on this particular blog. Ever since I got sucked hard into Marvel fandom - and Tony Stark-stanning most especially - I keep getting distracted by shiny, fangirly Iron Man things and neglecting to - uh - actually keep up with other pop-culture/geeky news. Oops! Go ahead and blame my borderline autism/OCD (and the fact that my movie theater is closed).

I have been trying to get caught up on a couple non-Marvel canons, though. For one thing, I've finally gotten over my intimidation (the fear I always feel when an ongoing series has been around for a while and therefore has more than two or three available installments) and started reading the Dresden Files -- and so far, I've been having grand old time. I didn't realize these books were such quick reads; hence my years of hesitation and procrastination.

Additionally, I've started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix. If you're curious, I've just started Book 2, and I'm mostly looking forward to seeing how Zuko's story plays out. The set-up there is screaming the sort of humbling/redemption arc that I always - always - enjoy.

And lastly, I've been watching some of the old Marvel stuff that's available on Disney +, including an Iron Man cartoon from the 90's that's the definition of terrible for the first thirteen episodes or so -- and then becomes slightly less unwatchable once the creators realize Tony's an angst muffin and not a flat, generic hero. (Which didn't save me from the bad voice acting or awful animation, but -- at least there's something redeeming there.) Yeah: you should probably avoid said series unless you're like me and are intent on consuming every last drop of Iron Man-related content that exists. But I'm still sort of glad I checked it out.

So anyway -- that's what I've been up to this summer. 

What have you been watching or reading lately?

Bonus cOmIcS wErE aLwAyS pOlItIcAl content:

The 1970's really was a much healthier time for the comic book industry.


  1. ...Tony's an angst muffin...


    Oh, that is perfect. Yes.

    1. You know you're reading a good Iron Man comic if Tony's crying/drinking/berating himself because something's gone horribly wrong.
