Friday, September 13, 2019

Iron Man Blogging, 9/13/19: Adorkable

Reasons Why Tony Stark (MCU) Is the Most Adorkable OG Avenger

I know I've mentioned some of these in previous posts, but why not put them all in one convenient place for future reference?

Bots are people in his universe.

He threatens to donate DUM-E to a city college with the same exact energy he later uses to order Morgan to bed. When he wants to consult with JARVIS in the middle of the night, he asks "are you up?" even though he surely knows the AI is always operational. And when his Malibu home is destroyed, he doesn't just start over with a new set of bots; he goes back and rescues the old ones. For Tony, the line between machine and man is very fuzzy, especially when it comes to his own creations.

He's such a textbook Odd.

He can see an atom in his father's exposition model -- but can't remember Pepper's allergic to strawberries. He can work out conservative time travel in one evening -- but can't wash the dishes without destroying the kitchen. He's capable of remarkable feats of intellect -- and also remarkable failures of common sense. He reacts with palpable delight when he encounters someone who can follow his normal mode of communication -- which baffles the majority of the people he works with. And oh yes: I'm pretty damn sure he has ADHD. All of these features mark him as a member of The Tribe. He's not simply an asshole; I honestly believe at least half the annoying shit he does is unconscious.

He's not the dominant partner in his romantic relationship. He's the little spoon.

Pepper is a goddess, y'all; she's independent, supremely competent, and emotionally centered. While losing Tony has always been her greatest fear, I think, in the end, she can go on without him. That's why she's able to summon the strength to tell her dying husband that everything's going to be okay at the end of Endgame: because, ultimately, everything will be okay. But -- can you imagine what would happen in the opposite scenario? NO. NO GOD PLEASE STOP THE PAIN MY POOR HEART. Tony would be utterly lost. And Tony knows this. He knows he's a human disaster. He knows Pepper doesn't have to stick around -- and is grateful to the point of outright clinginess that she's chosen not to leave.


He has the best glasses.

I almost devoted this post just to the glasses -- particularly the square ones we see in Infinity War/Endgame because they're so preciously dweeby (especially when you pair them with that uniform he's wearing during the 1970 mission). But really, all the glasses are great. They don't just make him look cool; they're his eye armor. He uses them to cover up his biggest tell. It's not a coincidence, for example, that he slips them on at the end of the Pens-of-Nostalgia scene in Civil War. (That reminds me that I need to do a lengthier write-up of said scene; its blocking is genius from start to finish.)

Edited a little later to add: He's an endless fount of silly nicknames.

Edited a little later to further add: His big heart accepts all kinds.

He's not afraid of the Hulk. At all. And he wants Bruce to be okay with "the other guy" too.

He's also not afraid of Nebula despite her past as a Child of Thanos. Indeed, you can hear in his message to Pepper that Tony's actually fond of the "Blue Meanie." And he's willing to sit down and patiently explain paper football to her just to pass the time. It's so heartbreakingly sweet. The upshot? The Guardians played their role in humanizing Nebula, but Tony unquestionably continued the process just by being his beautiful self.

And finally: He's smol.

I mean, movie magic hides exactly how tiny RDJ is, but still: when you stand Tony next to Steve or Thor, you can't help but notice a difference. Tony's very fit, but he's not a body-builder; he's a wiry scrapper. And goodness, that SHIELD outfit in Endgame just swallows him up. It's hilarious -- and cute as hell.

Bottom line at the end: Tony is a ball of angst and trauma and bad decisions, but you will never be able to dissuade me from thinking that he's also a damned cinnamon roll who needs to be protected at all costs.


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