Sunday, September 22, 2019

Come and Get 'Em, You Cowards

Bill's sentiment in this video is my current mood.

I own one handgun -- and I was okay with that. Was, that is, until professional idiot Beto O'Rourke threatened to take away everyone's AR-15's. Now I'm seriously considering asking for an AR-15 for Christmas just to spite anyone stupid enough to call that silly Barbie gun a "weapon of war."

Also? Your confiscation schemes aren't going to work. Your soldiers won't obey. Most of those folks - thanks to their professional knowledge of firearms and general contact with our fallen reality - tend to be passionate about gun rights. They also tend to be patriotic as hell. They're not going to accept orders that flagrantly violate the Constitution; they took an oath, in fact, not to do such a thing.

And civilian gun owners? We'll resist too. We'll be peaceful at first. The stats on unfortunate boating accidents will increase. But if you do send the troops, we'll shoot back -- not because we're inherently violent, but because we set great store by taking responsibility for our own self-defense.

We're not selfish assholes who'll sacrifice kids' lives just to keep our toys. Actually, the exact opposite is the case. We want to keep our "toys" to safeguard the people closest to us. We see a world in which violence is ineradicable and the authorities are often out of reach. And for your information? This world happens to be the real one. Sorry, cupcakes, but history has taught us that no one - no one - can depend solely on the state for his own protection. Logistically, even the most competent, most well-intentioned government officials can't react quickly enough in many life-threatening situations -- which leaves it to the rest of us to pick up the slack.

And here's how I see it personally as a disabled 40-year-old woman: If I have a gun, a dude who's looking a bit rapey will have to approach me through a hail of bullets. If you take my gun away? The rape will be completed before the cops get there. Excuse my language, but fuck that. I don't want to be left helpless and vulnerable; I want to have control over my own fate. Any true feminist should consider that desire perfectly reasonable and right.

Bottom line at the end: The only way you aspiring tyrants are getting our guns is if you pry them from our cold, dead hands. But sure, give it a try. Demonstrate to your fellow American citizens - and to the world - what despicable creatures you really are.

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