Friday, July 12, 2019

Iron Man Blogging, 7/12/19: Processing, Processing

(a.k.a. a couple more miniature reflections on all things Tony Stark)

So -- regarding Tony's Ultron vision:

Is there anyone else who's just undone by the fact that Steve is Tony's internal accuser? That, while Tony challenges Steve all the time in public, a peek inside his messed-up head space reveals that Steve is also the standard he desperately wants to meet?


More Tony and Steve stuff:

That Tony has the burner phone in his pocket in Infinity War activates my imagination like you wouldn't believe. Come on: Tony Stark is Mr. High-Tech-Holograms-Guy. Why the hell would he take an archaic dummy phone on a jog with Pepper? My headcanon: since Civil War, he's always carried it. Because he takes Steve's promise seriously. Because he knows he still needs Cap if the shit really does hit the fan. Because he's pining for a friendship he's lost.

I picture Tony pulling that phone out occasionally and sitting there for a few minutes with his thumb hovering over the call button -- until, wracked with guilt and stubborn pride, he growls in frustration and hides it away again. Nope. Can't face Cap yet. So not ready for that conversation.

(I also picture Steve on the other end wondering if he should reach out to Tony -- only to hesitate out of fear of Tony's response.)

(Stupid emotional constipation.)

I think I've made this clear already, but just in case: Tony is my favorite, but in my house, we love Tony and Steve. This blog shall always be a NO SALT ZONE.

(On that note, it's actually really frustrating to be a fangirl who craves angsty post-Civil War fanfiction that's friendly to both "teams". Apparently, that's super rare -- damn it. I guess I need to work on my confidence so I can write it myself.)

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