Sunday, June 30, 2019

Andy Ngo (Profanity Warning)

This will be quick because I'm at a con, but:

Fuck everyone who's minimizing - or even celebrating - Antifa's vicious attack on Andy Ngo because "he's a right-wing provocateur." Fuck all these people with rusty chainsaws.

First of all, Andy is openly gay and liberal. I suppose that makes him "right wing" in the radical left's jacked-up worldview, but those of us who are actually in contact with reality and are not suffering from induced mental retardation understand that Andy's a centrist -- or even center-left.

Secondly, Andy doesn't "provoke" anyone. I'm subscribed to his channel and routinely watch his stuff, so I can assure you: all he does is stand there and quietly film what's happening in his city. And for his trouble, he's been repeatedly harassed.

Filming a protest is not a provocation. Talking to the right-leaning media - which, yes, Andy does - is not a provocation. It's not Andy's fucking fault that the left-leaning media (Quillette and the handful of other honest publications excepted) are choosing to ignore Antifa's brownshirt tactics because Orange Man Bad blah blah endless stream of self-justifying bullshit.

Fuck off with the "he was asking for it" rhetoric, you despicable fucking douche nozzles. Fuck off into next Tuesday -- and then come back so I can tell you to fuck off again.


  1. This escalation was predictable. When the authorities let it be known they didn't care about what Antifa was doing because it suited their bullshit political agenda, they guaranteed the mob would eventually spin out of control. My guess is they were counting on it and the inevitable alt-right backlash to paint people they don't like as barbarians. The whole thing is evil squared.
